Why Nutrition Is Essential to Your Child's Development
The importance of nutrition among young children can't be overstated. Nutrition is linked to brain functions that our children need to thrive in the world, including reasoning, concentration, and cognition. The effects of malnourishment can be devastating, so establishing healthy habits for children at a young age is essential. Impacts Child Development
shows that nutrition, or a lack thereof, is one of the three major factors that impact a child's development, along with genes and environment. Given that nutrition is arguably the one of the three that can be controlled the most, it's essential that people educate themselves on which foods their children should be eating, as well as the consequences of malnourishment.
The nutritional status of children, whether they're a few months away from being born or a few years from finishing primary school, is linked to brain development, cognition, concentration, and much more. Deficiencies in vitamins E and B, for example, have been proven to lessen cognitive abilities. Other important life and academic skills, like intuition and reasoning, are affected by the intake of amino acids and carbohydrates. Promotes Positive Behaviours
Establishing healthy habits from a young age will be of great benefit to children for the rest of their lives. Many children struggle to unlearn unhealthy behaviours and habits as adults, especially with regard to nutrition. By setting a good example and providing them with the foods and nutrients they need from an early age, we're establishing habits that they'll be able to follow into adulthood.
Of course, the positive behaviours promoted by healthy eating aren't just limited to physical health. Research
shows that being under-nourished or consuming unhealthy amounts of sugar lead to behavioural problems. Serving them a balanced diet will not only help them to maintain their physical health as adults but also their mental health and ability to socialise. The Link to Academic Performance
show that nutrient intake in early childhood has a direct correlation with later performance in school. Deficiency in essential nutrients, such as iron, is regularly linked to reduced cognition and struggles with schoolwork.
Broadly speaking, under-nourished children often experience side effects that either directly or indirectly impede their academic performance. For example, not eating breakfast in the morning before school will result in children being more lethargic and less focused. Malnourishment will also result in a lessened ability to fight off illnesses, which of course will affect their attendance and cause them to fall behind. Ensuring that kids get the nutrients they need and that they have breakfast every day will give them their best chance to perform well at school now and in the years to come. Nutrition Is a Top Priority at Creative Childcare
At Creative Childcare, we make nutrition a top priority at every hour of the day. Every aspect of childcare is important to us, and that's why we use Feed Australia for menu planning, in alignment with Australian Dietary Guidelines.
Whether it's morning tea, lunch, or a late afternoon snack, our professional chefs ensure that every bite is packed with the nutrients our children need to thrive. That being said, our food is both nutritious AND delicious. The kids here at Creative Childcare never have any complaints, and we know that we're helping them build life skills, promoting wellness and great habits along the way.
Concerned about your child's dietary restrictions? With us, there's no need. We maintain active communication with parents to ensure that every dietary restriction is being met and that the alternative meals we supply are being enjoyed.
If you have any questions about our meals, our compliance with Australian Dietary Guidelines, our amazing chefs, or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach us by phone at 1300 002 929
, by email at contact@creativechildcare.com.au
, or by filling out our online form.
Creative Childcare
is one of the leading baby childcare centres in Australia
. We create safe spaces for children to grow, develop and reach their full potential. Get in touch with us today
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© Copyright 2025 Creative Childcare
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Kotara 7am -6:00pm
Kotara 02 4952 3711
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